Mel E. Logan

Mel E. Logan arbeitet in ihrem Werk mit diversen künstlerischen Medien. Wie schon mit Chicks on Speed entstehen ihre Projekte im Kollektiv und Austausch mit internationalen KünstlerInnen. Sich der Katastrophen der Welt bewusst seiend und über die brennenden politischen Frage unserer Zeit nachdenkend, schafft sie spektakuläre musikalische und performative Inszenierungen, installative und malerische Arbeiten von hoher sinnlicher Intensität. Mit der University of Craft Action Thought und Vodoo Chanel ist sie international zu Gast. 



1994 -1999
Studies of Painting at Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich 1994-99, before that at Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute of Art, Utica New York


Founded Chicks on Speed with Alex Murray-Leslie


Founded University of Craft Action Thought (UniCat)





Look! Enthüllungen zu Kunst und Fashion, MARTa Herford


Radio Corona, Kunstverein in Hamburg
MoMA Athens, Athens New York, USA
MoMA Public, Forsyth Plaza, New York, USA
BEING LAID UP WAS NO EXCUSE FOR NOT MAKING ART, Kunstverein in Hamburg Virtual Live Performance, Goethe Pop Up Houstons’s Lunchtime Concerts, Goethe Institut USA
Up to and Including Limits: After Carolee Schneemann, with Chicks on Speed, Muzeum Susch, CHE


Five in Fives, Sound Performance, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg Somerset House Studios, Live Performance with Chicks on Speed, London GB Liveworks Festival of Experimental Art, with Chicks on Speed, Sydney, AUS
Hi Ventilation – 20 Jahre Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg


University of Craft Action Thought. ON AIR, Gold + Beton, Köln
University of Craft Action Thought. Representationalism, Zollamt Bad Rad Radkersburg, AT


Feminismus 3.0, Galerie Gisela Clement, Bonn
Art Cologne 2017, Flags, Köln
The New Normal, curated by Hiba Fahrat, Beirut, LB


Performance, Beirut Art Center, LB
Flags at GRAD, institute for culture, Belgrade RS
University of Craft Action Thought, Galerie Clement & Schneider (jetzt Galerie Gisela Clement), Bonn


Milani Gallery, Brisbane, AUS
Datastravaganza, 401Contemporary, Berlin
Art Cologne, 401 Contemperary, Collaborations. And NADA Lounge, performance series created with students from Kunstakadamie Düsseldorf. Klasse Keren Cytther. Free Thinking is for Free, Riga, LTU


Der Stachel des Scorpions, Museum Villa Stuck
Der Stachel des Scorpions, Instituts Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt Green Cathedral, Wollongong Art Gallery, AUS
Fau-Tourism, The Scandinavian Institute, New York, USA


Touch me baby, I'm bodycentric, a multimodalplosion. With Lisa Walker, City Gallery, Wellington, NZ


Cross Counter, Vacant, Tokyo, JP
Limited-Unlimted , Alta Roma, Rom, ITA
Feminist Fashion Film Now, A Shaded View on Fashion Film, CaixaForum, Barcelona, ES
The Academy, LOPUD, Thyssen Bornemisza Contemporary 21, Wien, AT


The Power of Making, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK
Contour, 5th Biennale of the Moving Image, Sound and Vision beyond reason, Mechelen, BE
DIY, Museum for Communication, Frankfurt
Cultural Workship Now! Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin
Prototype Hits, L’Estruch, Sabadell, ES


Figura Cuncta Videntis: The All Seeing Eye/Hommage to Christophe Schlingensief TBA- 21, Wien AT
(Back to) the Robots, Sonar, International Festival of Advanced Music and Multimedia Art, Barcelona, ES
It’s Not Only Rock and Roll baby! Trienale, Bovisa, Milan, IT
Scope @ The Armoury Show, Curated by Diane pernet, New York, USA
Estoril Fashion Art Festival, Lisbon, PT
Chicks on Speed, Don’t Art, fashion, Music, DCA, Dundee Contemporary Arts, - Dundee, Scotland, UK
Chicks on Speed Happening, Kate MacGarry Gallery, London, UK


A Shaded View on Fashion Film, Centre Pompidiou, Paris, FR
Best of 50 Years, Kunstverein Wolfsburg
Skyscraper, Kate MacGarry Gallery, London, UK
A hanging Garden Party, Chicks on Speed and Pelican Avenue Paris, FRA hanging Garden Party, Chicks on Speed and Pelican Avenue Tokyo Fashion Week, Tokyo, JP The Making Of Art, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt
21:100:100, 100 sound works by 100 artists from the 21 Century, International Arts Festival & Gertrude Contemporary Arts Spaces, Melbourne, AUS
SCREAM, Artspace, Sydney, AUS
SCREAM, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, AUS
Touch Me Baby, I'm Bodycentric, a Multimodalplosion!, City Gallery Wellington, Wellington, NZ
Viva La Craft, Craft Victoria, Melbourne, AUS
Art Rules, Thyssen Bornesmizsa Contemporary 21, Vienna, AT
Power Tools for the remote controlled Metaverse, Bawag Contemporary, Vienna, AT


Art Rules, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, JP Art Rules, MoMA, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA A New Line, Kate MacGarry Gallery, London, UK


SHOE LOOK! CAC Contemporary Arts Centre, Vilnius, LT
Art For Sale, Yvon Lambert, Paris, France, FR
It’s not what you think, it’s the way you look!, Kunstraum Innsbruck, AT

Galerie Gisela Clement