Noa Yekutieli (*1989, lebt und arbeitet in Tel Aviv, Israel, und Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA) arbeitet mit verschiedenen Techniken und Materialien wie Installationen, Skulpturen und ihrer charakteristischen manuellen Scherenschnitttechnik. Daraus schafft sie Werke, die narrative Strategien, Erinnerung und Herkunft im Kontext von Immigration, Assimilation und Konflikten auf mehreren Ebenen untersuchen. Dabei greift sie auch ihre eigene multikulturelle Herkunft auf und verarbeitet das Gefühl einer mehrdeutigen kulturellen Identität. Ihre Arbeiten legen oft einen doppelten Boden frei, der es dem Betrachter ermöglicht, seine eigenen selektiven Wahrnehmungsprozesse zu erkennen, die die Realität verdecken.
Klaus Fritze, Michelle Grabner, Alex Grein, Sabrina Jung, Timo Kube, Mike Meiré, Ulrike Rosenbach, Ludwig Philipp Strack, Raphael Weilguni, Noa Yekutieli
Noa Yekutieli
geboren in Los Angeles
Lebt und arbeitet in Tel Aviv und Los Angeles.
Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl)
On The Seam Museum, Jerusalem, Israel-Palestine (forthcoming)
The Intimacy of Distance, Hannah Traore Gallery, New York
No Longer – Not Yet, ISCP, Brooklyn, New York
Collective Conscious (mit Maria Saleh Mahameed u. Tsibi Geva), Maxxi Museum, Rom, Italien
The Presence Between Two Spaces, Galerie Knust Kunz, München
The Presence Between Two Spaces, Galerie Russi Klenner, Berlin
Another Language, (mit Maria Saleh Mahameed u. Tsibi Geva) Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Israel
We say it’s the nature of things, Inga Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Noa Yekutieli - Holding Space, Galerie Gisela Clement, Bonn
Degrees of Separation, Kunstverein Augsburg Pedestal, Track 16 Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
Modern Portrait, NEW POSITION (solo booth), Art Cologne, mit Galerie Sabine Knust, Köln
The Other Side, Public Art Installation, Los Angeles, USA
Meeting Place, Galerie Sabine Knust, München
Fractured Water, Israeli-Palestinian Pavilion, Nakanojo Biennale, Nakanojo, Japan
Transitions, Open Contemporary Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Particles, Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan
Around The Cracks, Sommer Frische Knust, Bad Gastein, Austria
While They Were Moving, They Were Moved, Gordon ll Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel Reflecting On Shadows, Artist House, Tel Aviv, Israel
Uncontainable, Janco Dada Museum, Ein Hod, Israel
What Doesn't Bend Breaks, Gallery Schimming, Hamburg
The Magnifying Glass and the Telescope, p/art, Hamburg
Through The Fog, The Distance, Wilfrid Museum, Kibbutz Hazorea, Israel
Between All Our Intentions, Dwek Gallery, Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem, Israel Incorporeal Reality, with Yael Balaban, Marina Gisich Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia 1952, Special installation project, Fresh Paint art fair, Tel-Aviv, Israel 1952, Givat Haim Gallery, Givat Haim Ehud, Israel
A Document of a Passing Moment, Artstation Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Baggage, Al Ha'tzuk Gallery, Netanya, Israel
We Forgot It In People, Opus DV, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl)
Impersonating Myself/Becoming Myself, Yellow Box Museum, Qingdao, China
Common Ground: Israeli Art Meets Archaeology, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
When Things Fall Apart, Wilfrid Museum, Kibutz Ha’zorea, Israel
Only The Wisdom of The Heart Will Be Corrected, Jaffa Museum, Jaffa, Israel
A Sea Desert Baggage, Inga Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel
The Horror Will Be Honored, Inga Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel
De(con)struction; Ruins in Reverse, MA Curatorial Practice, SVA, New York
IDYLLE, Galerie Gisela Clement, Bonn
Soft and Hard, Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa
Nature Force, Inga Gallery, Tel-Aviv
Huanghezi Museum, Qingdao, China
Age of Ultra Anxiety, Flux Factory, NYC, USA
RESET, Kunstmuseum, Ahlen
The State of Things, BIENALSUR, Contemporary Art Museum of Rosario, Argentina Spring Break Art Show, NYC, USA
Impersonating Myself/Becoming Myself, Shanghai Himalayas Museum, China
An Ahistorical Daydream, A.I.R 14th Biennale, NYC, USA
Waiting Room, American Jewish University, Los Angeles, USA
Guangzhou MOCA, Guangzhou, China
White Box Contemporary Art Center, Beijing, China
Internally: Emotional Landscape From Israel, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
O Prato, Fundação Arte e Cultura, Luanda, Angola Attempt to Raise Hell, Track 16 Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
Didn’t You Know What You Were Carrying On Your Back?, Rosalux Art Space, Berlin Beyond the Veil, Art Life For The World Gallery, Venice, Italy
Impersonating Myself/Becoming Myself, Creation Center, Shanghai, China Artist Dairy, Hermann Sturck Museum, Haifa, Israel
Tsundocu, Zebulun Gallery, Haifa University, Haifa, Israel
I To Eye, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
70.70.70 Israeli Artists, JCC Santa Barbara, USA
The Esthetic of Inferno, Zebulon Gallery, Haifa University, Haifa, Israel "24:7", Dwek Gallery, Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem, Israel
Zaz 10TS, “24:7” video takeover in Time Square, NYC, USA
2nd Changjiang International Photography & Video Biennale, Changjiang Museum of Contemporary Art, Chongqing, China
Art Cologne with Sommer Frische Knust, Cologne, Germany On The Edge, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel
Höhenrausch, Eigen+Art Lab, Berlin, Germany Women’s Work, Ra’anana Gallery, Ra’anana, Israel Group exhibition, Artemisia Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel Group exhibition, Alon Segev Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel
On Site Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
There Is There, StArt Collection, Jaffa, Israel
Cut Out Line, Municipal Gallery, Kfar Saba, Israel Group exhibition, Alon Segev Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel
ART15 with Alon Segev Gallery, London, UK
Forgiveness, Municipal Art Gallery, Rishon Le’zion, Israel Jasmine Scent, Gallery 48 for Contemporary Art, Tira, Israel Baggage, Neurotitan Gallery, Berlin
Paper Art, Jaffa Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel
Tabula Rasa, Barrer Art Center, Ma'alot Tarshiha, Israel Discovering Continents, Gordon Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Gestures, Artstation Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Group exhibition, Galerie Musee Kums, Antwerp, Belgium Partners, Chelouche Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Paper Art in Israel, 2nd paper biennale, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv, Israel The Female Being, The Zimmer Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Point of Views, Artstation Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Art Vienna Art Fair with Marina Gisich Gallery, Vienna, Austria
SWAB Art Fair, with Artstation Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
Art Moscow Art Fair with Marina Gisich Gallery, Moscow, Russia A Station in Time, The Old Train Station, Kfar Yehoshua, Israel
Golconda Exchange, Contemporary by Golconda Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel On a Small Scale, Zadik Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Fresh Paint Art Fair, with Artstation Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Jaffa Salon of Modern Art, Jaffa, Israel
Group exhibition, Gallery P8, Jaffa, Israel
Other Places, Ba'alie Hamelaha, Tel-Aviv, Israel Portrait exhibition, Riviera Gallery, Bat- Yam, Israel Sea Breeze, public artwork, Bat-Yam, Israel
ZeZe, Bar Yohai, Tel Aviv, Israel
Preise & Auszeichnungen
Young International Artist Award by OUTSET & TAAC (2014)
The Israeli Lottery Council for Culture and Arts Book grant (2015)
Sommer Frische Knust Residency, Alp Mountains, Bad Gastein, Austria (July 2015) Taipei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan (Oct-Dec 2015)
The Gottesman Etching Center, Kibbutz Cabri, Israel (July 2018) Reciprocity, Asylum Arts, Los Angeles, California (April 2019) Fundação Arte e Cultura, Luanda, Angola (Sep. 2019)
Tel Aviv Museum of Modern Art ORS Collection Jaglom Collection
Fishman Collection
Rosenblatt Collection
The Marrakech Museum for Photography and Visual Arts (MMP) Various international private collections
Galerie Gisela Clement